So, what can we do about his cold, Doctor?
I hear this regularly regarding the care of young children. For children under 6 years of age there is not alot of medication approved for use. The meds that used to be available didn't really do much anyway. Currently the best options include elevating the head of the bed, using a humidifier or vaporizor, and using nasal saline drops with or without suctioning for nose congestion. If your child has a fever and is above 2 months of age, you can use tylenol or motrin. I don't recommend alternating tylenol and motrin, however, because this has been associated with a high risk of medication overdose.
We would like to see your child if he has difficulty breathing, is turning blue, is using the muscles of her neck to breathe, has fever for more than 3-5 days or has cough more than 2 weeks or is a known asthmatic.
Good luck, this is frustrating.