A question about the value of vitamins has arisen, so I thought I'd address this for everyone. the Nobel Prize winning chemist Linus Pauling believed that huge doses of vitamin C would cure most disease. While Dr. Pauling was one of the most brilliant men who ever graced Cal Tech, I think he missed the boat on this one. There is no research to suggest that huge doses of any vitamin prevent cancer, death or any other serious disease.
Having said that, most Americans don't get enough vitamin D. It is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics that all children not eating substantial quantities of formula (which is supplemented with vitamin D) receive 400 IU of vitamin D, daily. To that end, we recommend a multivitamin daily for all of our patients. Anything will do- chewable, swallowable, liquid (icky tasting but whatever floats your boat) or gummy. We recommend that it be taken with some food because vitamin D requires fat for absorption.
We also recommend 500-1000 mg daily of Calcium Carbonate (tums or oscal) split into two doses for all girls. Women pack on the majority of their bone mineral mass before age 35 so now is the time to optomize this, in order to prevent the old lady back hump. Boys might also benefit from this but the benefit has been well demonstrated in girls.
Here's to your health.