The upcoming summer time means picnics and pick up football/soccer games. With those games come ankle sprains. What should you do? Well first, make sure you don't have a fracture. This probably means seeing your physician, sorry.
Once you are sure that nothing is broken, start with some ice. Apply it 15 minutes 4 times per day.
Next start motrin 10 mg/kg/dose 3 times per day. For adult sized kids that means 3-4 over the counter tabs 3 times per day no matter what. Take this dose with food or it will irritate the stomach.
Wrap the injured limb with a tight compression wrap. How tight? Not so tight that you can't wiggle the toes, the goal here isn't to immobilize the foot but rather to apply compression the the swelling.
Finally rest the limb and elevate it above the level of the heart as much of the day as possible. After 4-5 days start with simple nonweight bearing range of motion exercises to prevent the foot from becoming stiff. This can be done by spelling the alphabet with your foot both small and capital letters 3 times per day.
If you aren't doing well in 2-3 weeks you may benefit from physical therapy, see your physician.
Kevin M. Windisch MD, FAAP
Sparks Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
(775) 359-7111
975 Roberta Lane, suite 101 B, Sparks, NV 89431.