
Friday, March 19, 2010


A question about the value of vitamins has arisen, so I thought I'd address this for everyone.  the Nobel Prize winning chemist Linus Pauling believed that huge doses of vitamin C would cure most disease.  While Dr. Pauling was one of the most brilliant men who ever graced Cal Tech, I think he missed the boat on this one.  There is no research to suggest that huge doses of any vitamin prevent cancer, death or any other serious disease.

Having said that, most Americans don't get enough vitamin D.  It is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics that all children not eating substantial quantities of formula (which is supplemented with vitamin D) receive 400 IU of vitamin D, daily.  To that end, we recommend a multivitamin daily for all of our patients.  Anything will do- chewable, swallowable, liquid (icky tasting but whatever floats your boat) or gummy.  We recommend that it be taken with some food because vitamin D requires fat for absorption. 

We also recommend 500-1000 mg daily of Calcium Carbonate (tums or oscal) split into two doses for all girls.  Women pack on the majority of their bone mineral mass before age 35 so now is the time to optomize this, in order to prevent the old lady back hump.  Boys might also benefit from this but the benefit has been well demonstrated in girls.

Here's to your health.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Whoopting cough for parents?

Today a parent asked me if she should receive the whooping cough vaccine before leaving the hospital with her newborn.

The shor answer is Absolutely.  Whooping cough is devestating to newborns and the only way to protect them is to vaccinate those close to them.  Let's protect our new borns.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fever Phobia

When should I worry about fever, Doctor? 

I get this question daily in my office.  In patients over 60 days of age, with no other medical problems, I don't worry about fever unless it has lasted more than 3-4 days.  I worry about other symptoms such as vomiting, lethargy, stiff neck, etc. regardless of fever.  Generally in these children, we don't worry much about the height of the fever.

Finally, remember that fever is defined as a temperature of 100.5. or more.  We don't even consider it to be a "High" fever until it is over 103.5 F.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Let's Define Fever for everyone.  Fever is defined as temperature greater than or equal to 100.5 F.  Temperatures of 99, 100.1, etc. are normal and nothing to worry about.

When should you worry about fever?  In an infant 0-60 days we worry about any fever.  for a child over 60 days of age we worry about the other symptoms that go with fever or fevers that last more than 2-3 days.

Good luck.

Monday, March 8, 2010

iron supplements

Did you know that there are dozens of iron supplements available over the counter.  Overdoses of iron are very difficult  to treat and may be fatal so please use only the supplement your physician has recommended.  Do NOT start an iron supplement for your child unless your pediatrician has recommended one!

This is not a drug that I would substitute for something that I thought was similar without first asking a pharmacist.  I would also recommend not using foreign medications for this one because of the risk of liver failure and death in the event of accidental overdose.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

What do you mean Ringworm isn't caused by a Worm?

Ringworm is the common name for tinea corporis.  Tinea corporis is an an infection of the skin caused by any of a number of fungi.  It is sort of like athlete's foot, tinea pedis, of the body.  Usually this infection responds quickly to any of a number of topical antiyeast creams as long as the patient has a normal immune system.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Winter illness Rx

As we head into a major cough and cold epidemic this month I just wanted to remind everyone of some simple things to make your child feel better.  First, run a humidifier.  Any time your child has mucus in the chest, a humidifier helps to improve the situation.  Second, salt water drops like little noses or ocean drops can be put in the nose and suctioned back out.  Next, elevate the head of the bed.  This will help keep your child from choking on dripping mucus.  Finally, encourage your child to drink.  She does not need to eat and can go several days without food but liquids are essential to keep the kidneys healthy.

Monday, March 1, 2010

New Vaccine

Here is some exciting news for us.  The replacement for Prevnar, called Prevnar-13, has been released.  Prevnar protects against the 7 most common strains of a severe bacterial infection called Pneumococcus.  Prevnar-13 adds to the older drug with 6 more strains providing improved protection against this common and unplesant disease.  The new vaccine will ship in several weeks and hopefully be available for administration in a month or two.